
Cash Friday User-Friendly Memes
CashFriday, how it started and how to use it
Inspiring Actions
- How to deal with dark times | Tim Keller
- “Hopi—Messages from the Ancients”
- Be a rock for another (Allan Stevo at LewRockwell)
- Van Morrison: Where Have All The Rebels Gone? (Official Audio)
- Maine’s Right to Food Constitutional Amendment
- The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
- RFK, Jr.’s “The Real Anthony Fauci” #1 Overall on Amazon Bestseller List
- White House quietly delays vaccine mandate as another federal judge objects
- Judge deals a blow to NY’s COVID vaccine mandate for health care workers
- Err… REALLY??! Afghan Viral Video Marine Now JAILED!!!
- Open Letter to Coles Group Limited: Vax Mandate for Employees
- Affidavit of LTC Theresa Long M.D. in Support of a Motion for a Preliminary Injunction Order
- The Dangers of Covid-19 Booster Shots and Vaccines: Boosting Blood Clots and Leaky Vessels
- Southwest Airlines is collapsing—A glimpse of the future and hope
- Open Letter and Notice of Liability From Doctors and Scientists to the EMA and the Members of the European Parliament Regarding Covid-19 Vaccination
- Arizona AG orders Tucson to rescind vaccine mandate for city employees says it violates state law
- Romania halts most Covid-19 vaccine imports as people shun jabs
- Hydroxychloroquine doctor sues CNN, Anderson Cooper for $100 million
- “We’re sick of it”: Businesses refuse to pay taxes after police defunded
- Senate Republicans block Jan. 6 Capitol Riot Commission
- Montana Food Freedom Bill Now Law
- Hero of the Week: May 10, 2021: Three Nurses and Health Care Workers Injured by Covid-19 Injection Speak Up
- A final warning to humanity from former Pfizer chief scientist Michael Yeadon
- “You are not working for Canada” Trudeau
- Affidavit of LTC Theresa Long M.D. in Support of a Motion for a Preliminary Injunction Order
- Former Qantas pilot speaks out against forced jab
- Nurse whistleblower breaks down, cries in LIVE tell-all interview
- #ParentRising: National walk-out week to protest vaccine, mask mandates starts Sept. 13
- Family of 6 in West Wales un-jabbed
- 305 athlete cardiac arrests, serious issues, 176 dead, after COVID shot
- Samuel Bravo
- Acting Senior Sergeant QUITS Victoria police to break her silence on Covid enforcement
- Judge deals a blow to NY’s COVID vaccine mandate for health care workers
- Nebraska becomes first state refusing to comply with Biden’s plan to let IRS view your bank transactions
- Prescription of ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine as off-label medicines for the prevention or treatment of Covid-19
- Military members from all 5 branches file class action lawsuit against the Pentagon for vaccine mandates
- American identifies as Mexican to avoid Biden vaccine mandate
- South Africa’s highest court set to free the continent from new world order & the central bank
- South Carolina parent slams COVID mandates
Public Protest
2022: Truckers from all across Canada driving to Trudeau’s house in Ottawa
- Why are the central bankers pushing for vaccinations? (#CashFriday meme)
- UCD professor Dolores Cahill resigns as chair of the Irish Freedom Party
- Serbian freelancers protest new taxation law that threatens to push thousands into poverty
- France launches health pass as protests grow to hundreds of thousands (8/23/21)
- France flooded with people fighting for freedom (8/5/21)
- #chainehumaine #ars #montpellier (9/18/21)
- Drukte bij mars tegen coronamaatregelen in Amsterdam (9/5/21)
- Swiss citizens revolt—They install tables outside in front of bars & restaurants to ignore vax passports (9/18/21)
- The St Kilda March (9/25/21)
- #Italy Turin #Nogreenpass (7/22/21)
- Maine’s Right to Food Constitutional Amendment
Other Sources of Inspiration
Support Great Leadership
Solari Hero of the Week Series
- Hero of the Year 2021: Wim Hof
- December 13: Riccardo Bosi
- December 6: Celia Farber
- November 29: Thomas Binder. MD
- November 22: Dr. Dr. Joseph Mercola
- November 15: Alexander Lukashenko (Belarus President)
- November 8: Melissa Strickler McAtee (Pfizer Whistleblower)
- November 1: The Mounties (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
- October 25: John Catanzara (Fraternal Order of Police President in Chicago)
- October 18: Alexander Cooney
- October 11: The Cleary Family of Glenisk
- October 4: Army Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, MD
- September 27: Mayor Craig Shubert of Hudson, Ohio
- September 20: Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich
- September 13: Dr. Meryl Nass
- September 6: Ed Asner
- August 30: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
- August 23: Peggy Hall
- August 16: Dr. Dan Stock
- August 9: Brian Gerrish
- August 2: Patrick Wood
- July 26: Dr. Charles Hoffe
- July 19: Dr. Astrid Stückelberger
- July 12: Michael Palmer MD, Sucharit Bhakdi MD, Stefan Hockertz PhD
- July 5: Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kilde (1939-2015)
- June 28: Bishop Schneider
- June 21: State Senator Lois Kolkhorst
- June 14: Rosa Koire
- June 7: Dr. Simone Gold
- May 31: Dr. Michael Yeadon
- May 24: Mark McCandlish
- May 17: Dr. Pierre Kory
- May 10: Three Nurses and Healthcare Workers Injured by COVID-19 Injection Speak Up
- May 3: Archbishop Viganò
- April 26: Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi
- April 19: Rabbi Chananya Weissman
- April 12: Belgian Judge Ruling COVID Restrictions Illegal
- April 5: John Dahlsen
- March 29: Vera Sharav
- March 22: John Magufuli, President of Tanzania
- March 15: Scott Atlas
- March 8: Kristi Noem
- March 1: Alfie Oaks—Bold Business Owners for Liberty
- February 22: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
- February 15: Frédéric Pierucci
- February 8: Dr. Simone Gold
- February 1: Hank Aaron
- January 25: Four Nurses in Kansas
- January 18: Caitlin Johnstone
- January 11: Dr. Andrew Wakefield

Take Action
Take Action Crowdfund
A. Personal, Family, and Business
- #CashFridays: Use cash for all purchases to slow down tyranny and send a signal
- Coming Clean: Building a Wonderful World
- Coming Clean Update with Jon Rappoport
- Organizing Your Financial and Legal Affairs
- Assess your Risk: Checklist: Family Risk
- Solari Disaster Prep Series – Suburban Planning
- Mind Control Tactics Used on Young People and Children (and Everyone Else)
- 1st Quarter 2021 Wrap Up: Loosen Technology’s Grip on Your Mind with Corey Lynn (April 22, 2021)
- Entrainment Technology, Subliminal Programming, and Financial Manipulation
- 1st Quarter 2021 Wrap Up: Equity Overview & Rambus Chartology – and 65 Subscriber Links
- 2nd Quarter 2021 Wrap Up: Equity Overview & Rambus Chartology with Tim Caban
- Blast from the Past: Catherine in Fall 2001 on Macroeconomic & Risk Issues
- Unpacking Financial & Investment Advice, Part I
- Unpacking Financial & Investment Advice, Part II
- …To get better with money, and I’m happy to say it’s working
- How To: Avoid Car Trouble
- Who’s Your Sheriff?
B. Covid-related Letters, Templates, and Resources
- The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
- Solari Report Forms for COVID-19 Injections Available as Downloadable PDFs: For Family Members: Family Financial Disclosure Form for COVID-19 Injections; For Employees: Employer Disclosure Form for COVID-19 Injections; For Students: School Disclosure Form for COVID-19 Injections; For Parents: Notice and Declaration of Parental Authority Requirement of Disclosure and Safety of Medical Treatment/s; Other Languages and Jurisdictions; Related Reading links (including forms from other publishers)
- Tracking Legal Action & Legislation Against Covid-19 Mandates by Corey Lynn of Corey’s Digs
- How to Challenge a School Board in 3-5 Minutes
- Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Series by Corey Lynn
- Special Solari Report: Technology and the Covid-19 Injection with David O’Hagan
- Iron: By David O’Hagan
- Resources Against Covid-19 Mandates
II. Local Food Systems and Nutrition
- Food Series: When Michigan DNR Went Hog Wild with Mark Baker
- Food Series: Progress for Local Food in the State Houses
- Remedy for Slaughterhouse Logjam?
- Food Series: The War on Meat, Part I with Dr. Will Winter
- Food Series: War on Meat (Part II) with Niti Bali
- Food Series: Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal – The War on Meat, Part III with Joel Salatin
- Food Series – An Urban Homestead…
- Food Series: Homesteading (Part I) with John Moody
- Food Series: Homesteading (Part II) with John Moody
- Special Report: Food Series: Food Freedom in Big Sky Country with Montana State Senator Greg Hertz
- Special Report: Food Series – Synthetic Food with Sally Fallon Morell
- Wellness Series: Self-Help with Hand and Foot Reflexology with JoAnn Tennent
- Wellness Series: CBD or not CBD – An Interview with Dr. Robban Sica
- Wellness Series: The Dangers of Fad Diets and Antinutrients with Dr. Sarica Cernohous
- Healthy Nutrition on a Budget with Dr. Sarica Cernohous
- Wellness Series: Longevity – Healthy Aging or Growing Young? with Dr. Vesna Skul
- Food Series
- Water Solutions I
- Water Solutions II
- Building Your Local Food IQ
- Food Resilience Action for Family and Community: Gardening, Farmers and Markets, Organizations, Storage Strategy, Storage Methods and Tools
III. Solari Circles, Local Finance: Local Currencies, Local Venture Capital, Local Traded Equities
- Solari Circles: Take Action Together by Carolyn A. Betts, Esq.
- Solari Circles: Taking Action at the Local Level by Gary L. Heckman
- Cash Fridays: Use cash for all purchases to slow down tyranny and send a signal
- The Silver and Gold Payment Calculator with Franklin Sanders
- Silver & Gold Payment Calculator
- Take Action: Financial Takeover & Your Bank Account – BlackRock, Envestnet/Yodlee, and The Federal Reserve
- How to Find a Local Bank
- Unpacking Your Financial Ecosystem
- “Urbanism” Isn’t Synonymous with “Big City”
- Assess your Place: Rebuilding a Local Economy
- Community Currency with Paul Glover
- Local Currencies: Links
- Special Solari Report: In-State Equity Crowdfunding Offerings as an Alternative to Federal Jobs Act
- Time-based currency and timebanking
- The Freecycle Network
- The International Reciprocal Trade Association
IV. Gatherings
- Solari Connect Membership Procedure and Request (previously Solari Circle)
- Spiritual Science Academy with Thomas H. Meyer
- Two Stavoren Sails
- Doctors for Covid Ethics Gold Standard Symposium: Day I & II (Edited)
- Children’s Health Defense Europe
- Celebration of Jason Bawden
New Media List:
- Asha Logos LS
- Sharyl Attkisson
- The Autism Trust and Polly’s Place
- BestEvidence (at Bitchute)
- Blue Tiger (de Blauwe Tiger)
- Cafe Weltschmerz
- Charles Hugh Smith: Of Two Minds
- Children’s Health Defense News & Views: The Defender
- CJ Hopkins: Official website and Consent Factory, Inc.
- The Conservative Treehouse
- The Corbett Report
- Corey’s Digs
- De Andere Krant
- Don’t Ask That Question! With Kelly O’Meara
- Freedom Taker by Jerry Day
- Giza Death Star: Giza Community and Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
- The Highwire
- Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN)
- Lighthouse Economics: Mark Skidmore, PhD
- Mercola
- No More Fake News
- Off-Guardian
- Oval Media
- Planet Lockdown Film
- The Print India
- Professor Richard Werner
- Strong Towns
- Suspicious Observers
- Swiss Policy Research
- TK News by Matt Taibbi
- Take Back Your Power by Josh del Sol
- Technocracy News
- Truth Comes to Light by Jeremy Nell
- Truthstream Media
- UK Column News
- Vanhamelen (Elze van Hamelen) Sustainable Solutions
- Voltaire Network.org
- Whitney Webb at The Last American Vagabond