“I know a man who thinks he’s poor,
~ Annette Wynne
But he is rich indeed,
He has a chair, a friend who’s sure,
And three good books to read!’
These are the books that repeatedly come up as recommendations in conversations with our subscribers as they ask for good sources on important topics. Contribute your suggestions at Subscriber Input.
- Meditations by Marcus Aurelius: Catherine started reading Meditations inspired by several references to Secretary of Defense James Mattis traveling with it. Is this the 21st century Catcher in the Rye? It turns out to be a treasure trove of inspiration and sound advice.
- Family Wealth: Keeping it in the Family—How Family Members and Their Advisers Preserve Human, Intellectual, and Financial Assets for Generations by James Hughes: Hughes outlines the steps to success and wealth preservation for wealthy families. His ideas can help families that want to be wealthy get there, too.
- How to Avoid Financial Tangles by AIER Research Staff: This 2009 publication by the American Institute for Economic Research bills itself as a down-to-earth volume “written for those who have no special training in law and finance.” The book includes advice on owning real estate, using powers of attorney, making wills, and evaluating insurance needs. AIER continues to be a good source for books on planning.
- Five Wishes: The Family Package by Aging with Dignity: Five Wishes is America’s most popular living will and is unique in speaking to personal, emotional, and spiritual end-of-life needs as well as medical needs. The Family Package includes not only copies of the Five Wishes document but a family conversation guide and other popular resources. This kind of planning is an invaluable tool to help people of all ages help each other navigate an increasingly complex and regulated health care system.
- Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why by Laurence Gonzales: Gonzales translates the lessons learned in wilderness survival to practices we can use for a successful life. Beautifully written, this book is hard to put down.
- The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg: Duhigg maps out what science tells us about how we form habits and how we can change them. You will never look at organization in quite the same way after reading it. And you will be much smarter about management and leadership, and inspired by some of the stories of leaders who got it right.
- Unbeatable Mind: Forge Resiliency and Mental Toughness to Succeed at an Elite Level by Mark Divine: Divine is a retired U.S. Navy Seal who offers his philosophy and methods for developing maximum potential through integrated training. He proposes forging deep character and resiliency drawing on years of practice in martial arts, physical training, yoga, and exercising leadership in dangerous environments. If it feels as if you are living in a war, warrior training by the best can help.
- Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey: This is a great introduction to basic skills that will help young people learn how to navigate life.
- The Parent’s Guide to Texting, Facebook, and Social Media: Understanding the Benefits and Dangers of Parenting in a Digital World by Shawn Edgington: The digital neighborhood is a dangerous place for kids. Make sure the children you love are safe in managing their cyber lives.
- Behavioral Investing: A Practitioner’s Guide to Applying Behavioral Finance by James Montier: Montier does a masterful job of documenting the intersection of psychology and investment. The result is actionable intelligence that can help you protect your investments from bias.
- Value Investing: Tools and Techniques for Intelligent Investors by James Montier: Montier unpacks the cold, hard facts of investment history and what it means to investment process and strategy. This book will make you a more intelligent, disciplined investor.
- 2nd Quarter 2019 Wrap Up: The State of Our Currencies by Catherine Austin Fitts: If you want to understand—and navigate—the radical reengineering of financial and currency systems launched in 2020 by global central bankers (under cover of a pandemic), put The State of Our Currencies at the top of your reading list, and then share it with anyone who will read it.
- The Edge of the World: A Cultural History of the North Sea and the Transformation of Europe by Michael Pye: This richly detailed look at the development of civilizations along the North Sea illustrates the continual see-saw between trade and war. Even more relevant to 2020 and beyond (as we watch record increases in billionaire wealth and central banker control), the next-to-last chapter shows how plagues helped fuel the centralization of labor and taxation as well as the concentration of cash flows and capital—through “insistent social controls,” “policing lives,” and “an official suspicion of the poor and the workless.”
- Rethinking Money: How New Currencies Turn Scarcity into Prosperity by Bernard Lietaer and Jacqui Dunne: This book proposes removing money creation from the banking system and restoring that power to communities, in the process mobilizing local ingenuity and linking local resources and needs. The authors also examine the inadequacies of privatization, stimulus packages (2020, anyone?), and other palliative measures that uphold or worsen the status quo.
- Money: Understanding and Creating Alternatives to Legal Tender by Thomas H. Greco, Jr.: A former engineer and business administration professor, Greco founded the Arizona-based Community Information Resource Center in the early 1990s. Money, first published in 2001 and now available as an online PDF, is both a critique of the existing model and a manual for creating community currency systems. However, Greco does not deal with the “deep state tactics” faced by those who compete with the central bankers. For that, see Deep State Tactics 101 on The Solari Report.
- AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley and the New World Order by Kai-Fu Lee: Comparing China and the U.S., this thoughtful book looks at the application of deep learning AI in business, enterprise, and the economy, emphasizing how quickly implementation of AI technology is moving.
- Unbalanced: The Codependency of America and China by Stephen Roach: This is my top pick for understanding the U.S.-China economic relationship and the rebalancing of the global economy.
- Black Money by Michael Thomas: When I called Bill Hamilton to talk to him about the relationship of PROMIS software to mortgage fraud, he told me to read Black Money and call him back. This is a fiction beach reading introduction to how digital systems turbocharged fraud and money laundering.
- The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government by David Talbot: Talbot has written the best book about the Kennedy assassination to date. He nails those responsible while weaving a fascinating story of American history. If you want to understand the U.S. “deep state,” this is not to be missed.
- Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation by Patrick Woods: Technology is being used to centralize control. Woods provides significant documentation that makes the invisible shift in power visible. Woods followed up Technocracy Rising with Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order.
- The Modern Mercenary: Private Armies and What They Mean for World Order by Sean McFate: The United States’ sponsorship of private intelligence, security services, and armies has blossomed with extraordinary expenditures for services in the Middle East. This has created a significant private capacity to bring force to bear and to wage war.
- The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Kennedy documents the long slide of American health care into a killing machine. This bestseller is a page-turner—one destined to become a classic in both the political and true crime categories.
- American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Kennedy’s personal history of his family reminds us of the values we most appreciate in the American character.
- People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil by M. Scott Peck: Peck’s classic provides powerful insight on identifying, understanding, and managing people who do evil.
- Secret, Don’t Tell by Carla Emory: Mind control has been going on for centuries. Emory starts in the 1400s and brings you down through history. This is one of the best books for understanding the core technology at the heart of rigging the global financial markets and just about everything else.
- Microcosm and Medium: The Cosmic Implications and Agenda of Mind Control Technologies by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell: In a departure from most books on mind control, which focus on techniques and technologies, Dr. Farrell argues that mind control of any sort has cosmological implications.
- The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska by John DeCamp: To understand how a “control file” system is used to govern America, it is essential to understand pedophilia. One of the best-documented cases is the Franklin scandal. Several people gave their lives so that this story could be told. Unfortunately, the slave trade continues in America on a covert basis.
- Political Ponerology by Andrzej M. Lobaczewski: Political Ponerology is “a science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes.” The author describes himself as a Polish psychologist who—with many other colleagues—found meaning living through Nazism and then Communism by studying how evil happens and triumphs in a wider political and economic system.
- The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World by L. Fletcher Prouty: A look into the CIA and its historical influence in politics domestically and abroad.
- The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg: The Invisible Rainbow represents the culmination of decades of Firstenberg’s research and analysis regarding electricity and wireless technology and their impacts on humans and living things. For anyone interested in understanding what is happening today and where we have gone wrong—or concerned about deterioration in our environment—it is a must-read.
- The Porn Factor: Pornography and Child Sexual Abuse by Diane Roblin-Lee: Porn is much more dangerous than we think. Roblin-Lee explores some of the dangers, particularly the families of those who became addicted to porn or were led into illegal sex acts as a result.
- The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance & the Memory of Nature by Rupert Sheldrake: British biologist Rupert Sheldrake has been challenging modern science’s fundamental assumptions for decades, reminding us that nature is not a machine and that traditional wisdom, intuitive experience, and scientific insights can be mutually enriching.
- The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe by Lynne McTaggart: McTaggart explores the work of physicists, biochemists, and other scientists searching for evidence in their respective fields that there is a force, that she calls the Field, which connects all beings and matter at a fundamental level. And our involvement with and connection to this Field can explain many things that, heretofore, have either been unexplainable or considered not possible, including things of a psychic nature.
- Emily Post’s Etiquette, 19th Edition: Manners for Today by Lizzie Post and Daniel Post Senning: The deterioration of civil discourse is profound—many of us have lost our appreciation of the good things we attract when we treat other people humanely. Emily Post said that “Etiquette requires the presumption of good until the contrary is proved.” That is good advice—and there is lots more in this updated edition from the Emily Post Institute.
- The King James Bible: A complete read of the Bible, along with some of the books and knowledge edited out—including the Book of Enoch, the Book of Thomas, and various writings of the Essenes—provides a wealth of spiritual and practical insight and guidance. For most of us, easier to read and learn in a first-year Bible class.
- The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis: A classic from the master, this little collection contains the correspondence from a senior demon, Screwtape, to his nephew Wormwood, a Junior Tempter whose goal is to secure the damnation of a British man known only as “the patient.” It offers excellent ideas on how not to fall prey to divide-and-conquer tactics.
- The Secret of Secret Societies: Liberation of the Planet in the 21st Century by Jon Rappoport: Rappoport takes you into the inner sanctum of power and how reality is created. While you are at it, get Jon’s interview collection available in digital form in his Matrix Revealed collection at his website NoMoreFakeNews.com.
- Jewish History, Jewish Religion – The Weight of Three Thousand Years by Israel Shahak: The brave and brilliant Warsaw-ghetto-born Israeli professor Israel Shahak (who passed away in 2001) dared to ask whether “the secular state of Israel has been shaped by religious orthodoxies of an invidious and potentially lethal nature.” Shahak’s questions about privilege, sovereignty, and maintenance of the rule of law are as timely now as they were in 1994 when the book was first published.
- Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing by Anita Moorjani: This is an excellent, detailed description of one woman’s near-death experience. A corporate executive in Hong Kong, Moorjani developed cancer that spontaneously went into remission after her doctors and loved ones had given up all hope. Upon hearing her story, Wayne Dyer persuaded her to write this book. The audio is particularly good, read by Moorjani herself. The careful, precise descriptions of her near-death experience provide invaluable insights on our passage to and from our physical bodies.
- Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits by Catherine Austin Fitts: If we are going to make America great again, we need to understand what has been destroying it. This is Catherine’s case study of how the U.S. prison-industrial complex made Washington and Wall Street rich while bankrupting American communities and taxpayers.
- UFOs for the 21st Century Mind by Richard Dolan: Who’s really in charge? Dolan is one of the best minds on the planet to help you sort out the unanswered questions of outer space and its connections with covert finance and operations.
- The Alien Agendas: A Speculative Analysis of Those Visiting Earth by Richard Dolan: Whether aliens exist and live among us may not be knowable, but what is certain is that legal and financial shenanigans around the UFO topic are leading us into tyranny. Richard Dolan’s decades of careful research and analysis are valuable contributions toward a more open and honest conversation.
- The Ringmakers of Saturn by Norman R. Bergrun: Dr. Bergrun reveals that NASA’s Voyager I (1980) and II space probes took photographs of an estimated 7000-mile-long elliptical (cigar-shaped) craft docked in the rings of Saturn.
- Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig: If you have not discovered Sally Fallon Morell’s cookbooks, you are in for a treat!
- The Encyclopedia of Country Living: The Original Manual for Living Off the Land and Doing It Yourself by Carla Emory: Now in its 50th anniversary edition, the Encyclopedia of Country Living is “the definitive book of basic skills and country wisdom for living off the land, being prepared, and doing it yourself,” whether in a rural, suburban, or urban setting.
- The Wim Hof Method by Wim Hof: This is an excellent overview of Wim Hof’s insights on how to use breathing exercises and cold therapy to achieve significant improvements in your health. The most memorable breathing instructions yet: “Just breathe, Motherf****r!”
- The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting by Jimmy Moore and Dr. Jason Fung: If you want to be inspired, watch Dr. Fung’s videos and read this book. I literally could not put it down and finished it in one sitting the day it arrived. This is hard science combined with practical, well-presented advice. I was so impressed with Dr. Fung’s analysis that I started fasting the next day.
- A Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for your state and local county or municipality and their latest budget, financial statement, and bond official statement. See Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (Wikipedia).
- Follow the Money: A Citizen’s Guide to Local Government by Lyndee Kemmet: This is an excellent guide that identifies steps you can take to understand local government, municipal budgets, and government resources in your community—and ways to get involved.
- Strong Towns: A Bottom-Up Revolution to Rebuild American Prosperity by Chuck Marohn: Strong Towns presents a new vision of urban development in the United States. Marohn explains why cities of all sizes continue to struggle to meet their basic needs and reveals a new paradigm that can help solve this longstanding problem.
- The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2021: Each year I use the new World Almanac to review the basic statistics of life on Planet Earth. You can, too!
- The Power of Eight: Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life, and the World by Lynne McTaggart: In The Power of Eight, Lynne McTaggart—whose “work has had an unprecedented impact on the way everyday people think of themselves in the world” (Gregg Braden, author of The Divine Matrix)—reveals her remarkable findings from ten years of experimenting with small and large groups, describing how the power of group intention can heal our lives and change the world for the better.
- The Evolution of Cooperation by Robert Axelrod: Evolution of cooperation is a general term for investigation into how cooperation can emerge and persist (also known as cooperation theory) as elucidated by the application of game theory. Traditional game theory did not explain some forms of cooperation well. The academic literature concerned with those forms of cooperation not easily handled in traditional game theory, with special consideration of evolutionary biology, largely took its modern form as a result of Axelrod’s and Hamilton’s influential 1981 paper and the book that followed.
Codex Oera Linda, English edition translated by Jan Ott: Who shall govern? How shall we govern ourselves? Why must we be honest and keep our word? How shall we raise our children, and what values are most important to teach them? These are some of the most basic and essential questions that the Oera Linda book explores. Our failure to address and answer these questions, let alone live the answers, is demonstrated in the social and financial failure that marks our current days.
A History of Money in Ancient Countries from the Earliest Times to the Present by Alexander del Mar: Alpha Editions republished a new edition of A History of Money in Ancient Countries from the Earliest Times to the Present—now in the public domain—in 2019. This history covers the monetary systems of 16 civilizations, with a special focus on China and the Roman Empire. Other ancient civilizations discussed include those of Japan, India, Ariana, Bactria, Caubul, Afghanistan, Aboriginal Europe, Greece and its colonies, Carthage, Etruria, Persia, Assyria, Babylon, and Palestine.
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Anthony Fauci is what Hannah Arendt termed a “schreibtischtäter” or “desk killer.” I thought I already had a good sense of the harm Fauci has done as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984. However, watching one of Kennedy’s video presentations on Fauci’s record as Kennedy was working on the book was astonishing. Just when you think you appreciate the extent of the corruption and regulatory capture of the U.S. pharmaceutical-industrial complex, you learn it is even worse.
The Wim Hof Method by Wim Hof: Wim Hof recommends things that you can do at home or on the road. Anyone can do them. His techniques involve cold showers, baths, swims, or outdoor exposure as well as breathing exercises and mental visioning. No expenditures required.
Not Even Trying: The Corruption of Real Science by Bruce G. Charlton: A highly intelligent rant—published in 2012 by Charlton, a retired British doctor and Visiting Professor of Theoretical Medicine at the University of Buckingham in the UK—this book lays out just how badly science has devolved.
Forces of the Hanseatic League: 13th–15th Centuries by David Nicolle: I read Forces of the Hanseatic League to learn more about how a merchant association dealt with creating and managing private navies and armies and the application of and protection from physical force. As it turns out, fear of the Danes was part of the inspiration for the early organization. Medieval history was a see-saw back and forth between the economic attractions of war versus trade. As Jack Ma once said, “When trade stops, war starts.”
Farm to Fork Meat Riot by Niti Bali: With the increasing danger that hospitals and our Covid-centric medical system have posed, it is critical that everyone take control over their own health as much as possible. Maintaining an optimal diet is essential for that to happen. In Farm to Fork Meat Riot, Niti Bali provides a blueprint for true health, one forged from her own family’s experience with allopathic medicine.
Sitting Kills: Moving Heals by Joan Vernikos and All This Sitting Is Killing You by Dr. Parley Anderson: The more circumstances underscore the health risks in our environment, the more we think about what we can do to mitigate them. The easiest way to lower our risks of disease and early death is to stop doing the things that kill us—from driving after consuming too much wine at dinner to not getting enough sleep or exercise to eating too much sugar.
The Highland Clearances by Eric Richards: Richards’ study of Scotland’s Highland Clearances—the forced eviction of Highland inhabitants in the 18th and 19th centuries—is a serious look at rural depopulation during a period of great economic change. Richards makes the case that the eviction of tenants from Highlands land was necessitated by the hard reality of what it took to make the economics work—with both landlords and tenants subject to a mutual painful reality.
The Porn Factor by Diane Roblin-Lee: There are plenty of risks involved with an addiction to porn—particularly porn combined with mind control technologies. In this updated 2017 edition of The Porn Factor, Roblin-Lee provides an overview of many of them. Roblin-Lee experienced some of those risks personally when her husband became addicted to pornography and then started abusing children.
Polyface Designs: A Comprehensive Construction Guide for Scalable Farming Infrastructure by Joel Salatin & Chris Slattery: In Polyface Designs, Joel Salatin teams up with engineer-turned-farmer Chris Slattery to provide detailed construction plans for everything from his famous eggmobiles to hoop houses and hay wagons.
Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty by Patrick Radden Keefe: Empire of Pain tells the story of the Sackler family and their rise to billionaire status based on one generation developing a fraudulent marketing model for American pharmaceuticals and the next generation upending the pain management model of American medicine and launching the opioid epidemic, all with the help and support of captured regulators.
Furious Hours: Murder, Fraud, and the Last Trial of Harper Lee by Casey Cep: Cep tells the story of a series of Alabama murders and a trial, and of Harper Lee’s efforts to cover the trial and solve the related mysteries, as well as recounting the greater mysteries of Lee’s life as a writer. Cep’s well-written and well-researched account also weaves a rich portrait of Southern small-town life and human eccentricities.
Why We Get Sick by Benjamin Bikman, PhD: Scientist and pathophysiology professor Benjamin Bikman explores why insulin resistance has become so prevalent and why it matters. Indeed, reducing insulin resistance has the potential to significantly reduce a wide array of chronic diseases. According to Bikman, over half of U.S. adults are insulin-resistant.
Three Books About Bicycles: After a lifetime of riding bicycles, I decided it was time to learn their history. Since I love pictures, I got The Bicycle Book: The Definitive Visual History from DK Publishers (U.S. title Bicycle: The Definitive Visual History). The book’s editorial staff included a team from India—a country that puts the bicycle to work in great ways. Asia is clearly in the lead for explosive bicycle travel. The Bicycle Book looks like a beautiful coffee table book and is a fascinating approach to learning the history of the bicycle, which in the scheme of things, is a relatively new invention. Other reads: Lonely Planet’s Epic Bike Rides of the World and Design Museum’s Fifty Bicycles that Changed the World.
The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy by Graeme MacQueen: German physician and activist Dr. Heiko Schöning has done a remarkable amount of important research into the anthrax attacks of 2001 and how they relate to the push for central control both after 9/11 and today. His work inspired me to take a closer look at the recent history of weaponized anthrax.
Bright Light on Black Shadows by Dr. Rauni- Leena Luukanen Kilde: Dr. Kilde was a Finnish physician. Born in 1939, her first experience with tyranny was an early one—she had to flee with her family during WWII. She was raised in Helsinki, graduating from medical school in 1967. She practiced medicine, becoming the provincial medical officer of Lapland in 1975 and then Lapland’s Chief Medical Officer. In 1982, she published There Is No Death. Her book Bright Light on Black Shadows was published the day after her death on February 8, 2015.
The Finance Curse: How Global Finance Is Making Us All Poorer by Nicholas Shaxson: Nicholas Shaxson is a British journalist and the author of Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the Men Who Stole the World and Poisoned Wells: The Dirty Politics of African Oil. He is a leading expert on tax havens and financial corruption. Many Solari Report subscribers know him from his interview in The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire, an excellent documentary on the offshore financial system.
American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: American Values is a reminder and call to action about much that is right and good in the American character. Reading it was also a reminder of why it is so important to raise and educate healthy children. Technology does not build the future. Money does not build the future. People do—people who “are strong in will to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”
U.S. Money vs. Corporation Currency by Alfred Owen Crozier: “U.S. Money” refers to money issued by the U.S. Treasury pursuant to the constitution. “Corporation Currency,” by contrast, refers to the proposed issuance of credit (really, credit-money) by a single private bank, namely, the Fed. That distinction—ultimately legal in nature—is absolutely essential to Wall Street’s looting operation against Main Street, as this book written in 1912 explains. Crozier goes through example after example of how the basic U.S. monetary structure (which was intact long before the Fed was created) had been working deep and unjust extractions on Main Street for several decades before Wall Street bankers sought to at once streamline and enhance their advantages by way of central bank legislation.
Outwitting the Devil: The Secret to Freedom and Success by Napoleon Hill: Hill wrote Outwitting the Devil in 1938, immediately after publishing Think and Grow Rich. The manuscript was never published, as Hill’s family and advisors considered it too controversial. After Hill’s death in 1970, the manuscript became the responsibility of the Napoleon Hill Foundation. The Foundation finally published it in 2011, annotated by author Sharon Lechter.
Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates by Mary Mapes Dodge: The story is set in the 19th century and apparently introduced the sport of Dutch speed skating to America. It gives children a sense of the long history of the Dutch relationship with the sea and water that comes from living in a country at or below sea level. A significant amount of the Netherlands land mass has been wrestled from the sea by the hardworking Dutch.
Wisdom is a woman by Mieke Mosmuller: I had to plow all the way through the book to see its brilliance and to recognize that Mosmuller is in fact dealing with the essential challenge before us. How do we grow out of hypermaterialism into a human civilization that combines powerful spiritual faith with an intellectual capacity to manage and deal with advanced technology in a global society? How do we get out of the modern trance without understanding that we are in it, or before we understand the reality of what is possible in the invisible realms of our being and the living fields around us?
Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Abigail Shrier: In Irreversible Damage, reporter and author Abigail Shrier has done an excellent job of researching and describing the recent explosion in gender dysphoria in America.
The Edge of the World: A Cultural History of the North Sea and the Transformation of Europe by Michael Pye: The Edge of the World is a history of the people and cultures who traded across the North Sea and into the trade routes of Europe, the Middle East, and Asia during the Middle Ages. This included the Frisians, Dutch, Vikings, Danes, Finns, Germans, English, and Scots. The book was published in 2015 to accolades from establishment sources, including being declared one of the year’s 100 notable books by the New York Times. The Wall Street Journal described The Edge of the World as “beautifully written and thoroughly researched.”
The Alien Agendas: A Speculative Analysis of Those Visiting Earth by Richard Dolan: Richard has always been exceptionally careful—despite extensive research—about speaking publicly regarding the question of whether aliens exist or live among us. This last summer, he finally gave an executive briefing for members of his website about his assessment and then decided to quickly publish this information in book form. The Alien Agendas is the result.
Weatherman’s Guide to the Sun, Third Edition by Ben Davidson (review by John Dzwonczyk): The isolation of COVID has had the result of much more book reading, and somewhat serendipitously, the effort has included in succession Gerald H. Pollack’s The Fourth Phase of Water, Magnesium: Reversing Disease by Thomas E. Levy, MD, and now Weatherman’s Guide to the Sun by Ben Davidson. Each of these are technical in nature, with the first and third being essentially textbooks. What I am most thoroughly impressed with is the breadth of Davidson, however brief his prose might be. I include the others here, as their subject matters are readily conjoined with Davidson’s sine qua non premise that “The Sun Affects EVERYTHING.”
Trumpocalypse: Consent Factory Essays, Volume I (2016-2017) by CJ Hopkins: Trumpocalypse is Hopkins’ first collection of essays from The Consent Factory. In these essays, published in 2016 and 2017, Hopkins was still making the transition from brilliantly documenting the pivot—from the war on terror to the war on populism—to finding the humor and absurdity of it all. He was still baffled by the conversion of popular culture to a form of cult submission. He was still finding his state of amusement.
The War on Populism: Consent Factory Essays, Vol. II by CJ Hopkins: How I made it to the last quarter of 2020 without discovering CJ Hopkins, I will never know. I pride myself on sleuthing out the best commentary of our day. A subscriber (big thank you) sent Hopkins’ post “The Covidian Cult,” a brilliant commentary on the health crisis marketing op of the global central banking reset. It was republished by The Unz Review—a rare oasis of sanity with excellent author picks. So, I decided to delve into CJ Hopkins’ work, starting with his collection of essays published at his website The Consent Factory from 2018 and 2019, subtitled “The War on Populism.”
The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin: The Three-Body Problem is already a classic of modern science fiction. It is the first novel of Liu Cixin’s Remembrance of Earth’s Past trilogy. It is the first Asian novel to win the prestigious Hugo Award for Best Novel. It was translated into English by Ken Liu, who is also a Hugo Award winner.
Covid-19: The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret: Professor Klaus Schwab founded and runs the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The Forum’s tag line is “committed to improving the state of the world,” which it does by gathering global leaders together at its annual meeting and encouraging ongoing conversations about important issues and problems. The Forum and Schwab made a significant effort during 2020 to market the central bankers’ global reset to a non-financial audience. To my knowledge, they do not address the nuts and bolts or risks of transhumanism or technocracy and where these are likely to lead.
The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (including “Coronavirus”) Are Not the Cause of Disease by Dr. Thomas Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell: Whenever I read a book by Tom or Sally, a remarkable healing energy radiates from the pages. The Contagion Myth is no exception. These are two people who have spent a lifetime dedicated to helping and healing others. Their energy is welcome in the face of the multiple efforts by governments and the bio-tech-pharma complex to dumb down, poison, and kill. We included both authors in our list of Pandemic Heroes in the 2nd Quarter 2020 Wrap Up.
The Rhine: Following Europe’s Greatest River from Amsterdam to the Alps by Ben Coates: For someone who prides herself on understanding geography, I was stunned at my ignorance about my attraction to the waters of the Rhine over many years. I decided that it was time to learn more about the Rhine. My choice for a first read was The Rhine by British author Ben Coates.
Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties by Tom O’Neill (review by John Dzwonczyk): The meta-story of Tom O’Neill’s book, Chaos, is the one that describes the ongoing sense of “I” for “Incomplete”—the grade the author himself would award his 20-year effort in producing it. Interestingly, the dispute that O’Neill brings to the fore is not in any fashion that Charles Manson wasn’t an evil mastermind of the exaggeratedly gruesome murders of his victims, but that his motives weren’t the ones made famous by Vincent Bugliosi, whose principal fame arose from his bestselling chronicle of the murders, Helter-Skelter. The now-deceased Bugliosi and the author eventually became estranged over certain nuances that O’Neill claimed were whitewashed, less for prosecutorial convenience and more for a deeper, nefarious agenda that itself has seeped through everything we all today encounter.
Celtic Daily Prayer: Book One & Book Two from the Northumbria Community: A subscriber recommended these, so I ordered them. I have been reading and using them for prayer and meditation in the morning and at various points throughout the day. They are quite well done, practical, and help me refresh and raise my mind and spirit. It will take me a long time to fully digest them—prayer books are like that—but I know enough to recommend them for those of you who enjoy prayer books.
Red Pill Gospel by Forrest Maready: Fear porn has destroyed a lot of families and family wealth—in financial markets, in medicine (as Maready describes so well in his other books), and in the churches. The good news is that we have the power to stop allowing others to control us through fear and enjoy the divine love that is our birthright. After reading Red Pill Gospel, here is another tip of the hat to author Forrest Maready.
Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science by Dr. Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively: There are numerous nuggets in Plague of Corruption that make it well worth reading. One is an explanation as to the likely assassination of Dr. Timothy J. Cunningham, a leader in the CDC’s Division of Population Health, who was drowned in 2018 after making statements regarding the dangers of the flu vaccine. At the time, I tried to determine what had happened but had not been able to do so. Plague of Corruption fills in some of the blanks.
Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits at Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht and Claus Köhnlein: In Virus Mania, Engelbrecht and Köhnlein review reality versus official reality for avian flu (H5N1), cervical cancer (HPV), severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), hepatitis C, AIDS, and polio, proving once again that the corruption in the health sciences and medicine is as extraordinary as it is in the financial system. Indeed, the two industries are intimately involved in helping each other engage to their mutual benefit.
The Moth in the Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio by Forrest Maready: Maready describes The Moth in the Iron Lung as a “biography” of polio—and indeed, it is that. It is also a case study of the intersecting interests—health care, agricultural, insurance, and financial—that have so deeply complicated and compromised our science and medical establishments.
The Tower of Babel Moment: Lore, Language, Leibniz, and Lunacy by Joseph P. Farrell: In The Tower of Babel Moment, Dr. Farrell takes us deep into the Story of Babel from Genesis. Most people know the story. The human race, following the Great Flood, speaks one language. They decide to build a city and a tower tall enough to reach heaven. To stop this effort, God confuses their speech; they can no longer understand each other, and they scatter around the world.
Human Heart, Cosmic Heart: A Doctor’s Quest to Understand, Treat, and Prevent Cardiovascular Disease by Thomas Cowan, MD: Dr. Thomas Cowan is a retired family doctor who is intensely interested in life and the biophysics of life. In Human Heart, Cosmic Heart, Cowan starts with Rudolf Steiner’s insistence that the heart is not a pump and proceeds to explain why Steiner is correct. (For those who prefer a machine metaphor, Steiner said the heart was more like a hydraulic ram.) Cowan describes how the heart and the circulatory system work with the heart as a vortex creator that makes the electrical charges go.
Crooked: Man-Made Disease Explained by Forrest Maready: Forrest Maready is the author of The Autism Vaccine, an intimate history of the tragic consequences of a hundred years of injecting metals into American children. In Crooked, Maready expands his search to examine the far-reaching damage done to humans from ingesting, inhaling, and being injected with metals.
Cancer and the New Biology of Water: Why the War on Cancer Has Failed and What That Means for More Effective Prevention and Treatment by Thomas Cowan, MD: Dr. Cowan presents his case as to why the longstanding theories of what causes cancer are not correct. He describes cancer as the result of a deterioration in our cells and metabolism. He argues, “the root cause is metabolic dysfunction that deteriorates the structured water that forms the basis of cytoplasmic—and therefore, cellular—health.” He reviews a number of promising treatments and calls for research on them. One is deuterium-depleted water, which I have been using for several years on the recommendation of Jason Bawden-Smith. Another is marine plasma, which I was inspired to start using as a result of reading Dr. Cowan’s description, including of his personal use.
unvaccinated: Why growing numbers of parents are choosing natural immunity for their children by Forrest Maready: This short, easy-to-read book, published in 2018, is for busy parents who cannot fathom why the truth about vaccines is so completely different than the official story. Among other things, the book explains Maready’s own conversion from a parent who had complete faith in vaccination to a parent who, after doing serious due diligence on the topic, refused to let his children receive more vaccines.
The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life by Arthur Firstenberg: I first learned of Arthur Firstenberg when visiting Santa Fe several years ago. Firstenberg, my hosts said, had achieved significant delays in the installation of “smart” meters in New Mexico as a result of formidable intellectual research, unceasing activism, and plain hard work. Reading The Invisible Rainbow (AGB Press 2017 and Chelsea Green Publishing 2020) brings the point home. This is a work of remarkable scholarship resulting from decades of hard work.
A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind by Stephen Mittord Goodson: Goodson’s 4th edition of his history of central banking is a unique look at the devastation that has been wrought through the centuries by privately owned central banks and the privileges their shareholders claim. It is a rare history not funded or written by the private owners of the central banks and the universities and think tanks they control.
The American Trap: My Battle to Expose America’s Secret Economic War Against the Rest of the World by Frédéric Pierucci, with Matthieu Aron: If you want to understand why there is a currency and economic war raging around the planet, it is in no small part because the dollar has been weaponized by what has become a global “Sheriff of Nottingham” shakedown operation. This is a fascinating read by a highly intelligent business executive and responsible and loving father, husband, and son who managed his way through a brutal gauntlet and emerged the victor.
The Power of Eight: Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life, and the World by Lynne McTaggart: Lynne McTaggart spent a decade working with her global audience and scientists to see the power of intention that flows from prayer groups. Their experiment produced hundreds of documented cases of healing for crippling arthritis, cataracts, multiple sclerosis, scoliosis, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue, and much more—all being healed through people sending their loving thoughts as a group.
The Global Economy as You’ve Never Seen It by Thomas Ramge and Jan Schwochow with Adrian Garcia-Landa: Ramge is the author of more than a dozen nonfiction books, including Who’s Afraid of AI and Reinventing Capitalism in the Age of Big Data, coauthored with Viktor Mayer-Schönberger. He writes for The Economist—a magazine defined by excellence in illustration and graphics.
Jewish History, Jewish Religion – The Weight of Three Thousand Years by Israel Shahak: Israel Shahak was an Israeli professor of organic chemistry at Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Shahak was born in the Warsaw ghetto and was a survivor of Belsen who settled in Israel after WWII. Playing an increasing role in Israel as a humanist and rights activist, he published Jewish History, Jewish Religion in 1994 with a foreward from Gore Vidal. The book was reissued in 1997, in 2002, and in 2008, after Shahak’s unexpected death in June 2001, shortly before 9-11.
De-Dollarization: The Revolt Against the Dollar and the Rise of a New Financial Order by Gal Luft and Anne Korin: Luft and Korin are co-directors of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security. They come from an energy perspective, which is one of the things that gives the book a grounding often missing in those written by financial commentators. The dollar system is deeply intertwined in the trade for oil and gas—that is why the dollar is sometimes referred to as the “petrodollar.” As our energy models evolve, so will our currency models.
Infinite Mind: An Exploration of Psi and the Capabilities of the Human Mind by Kim Forrester: Recommended to me by a Solari Report subscriber, Infinite Mind explores the nature of human intuition and non-local intelligence through a series of fascinating stories about the difference it has made in individual lives. Forrester comes at this from a more intimate pathway than, for example, Lynne McTaggert in her book The Field. Infinite Mind is an interesting and welcome addition.
The Autism Vaccine: The Story of Modern Medicine’s Greatest Tragedy by Forrest Maready: Forrest Maready is a beautiful writer and an excellent storyteller. He weaves a history of vaccines in America through intimate stories of people and families touched by the tragic harm done for 100 years of injecting aluminum into children’s veins that goes to their brains.
Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow: On the recommendation of a wonderful subscriber, I listened to the audio version of Chernow’s biography of Hamilton. It was well worth doing. Chernow is a talented author and communicates Hamilton’s unique genius and accomplishments in building the architecture of the U.S. financial and trade systems in the context of those times. It was and is quite a story, rich with insights about who we were and are.
The Autism Epidemic: Transhumanism’s Dirty Little Secret by Wayne McRoy: Author Wayne McRoy was touched personally by autism and started to research its explosive growth. He proposes a theory of engineered autistic populations that connects the dots between aluminum in our vaccines and in the spraying overhead and the changes in our thinking and behavior to so-called “tranhumanism,” which my good friend and ally Thomas Meyer refers to as “subhumanism.”
Responsible Investing: An Introduction to Environmental, Social, and Governance Investments by Matthew W. Sherwood & Julia Pollard: Intended as a textbook for both undergraduate and graduate programs, Responsible Investing provides the reader with a current introduction to ESG investment history, practice, and the industry.
Killing Sustainability: Blunt Truths about Corporate Sustainability/Social Responsibility Failures and How to Avoid Them by Lawrence M. Heim: Written by a seasoned environmental auditor, Killing Sustainability offers sound, practical advice to leadership looking for an intelligent approach to a young and dangerously technocratic but important trend.
A Lie Too Big to Fail: The Real History of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy by Lisa Pease: A Lie Too Big To Fail is the result of several decades of exhaustive research by Pease, an editor of Probe Magazine. Combined with recent contributions by the Kennedy family to demand accountability, and recent contributions on the John F. Kennedy assassination by a number of other authors, Pease helps us move closer to understanding the true nature of our governance system.
The View from Flyover Country: Dispatches from the Forgotten America by Sarah Kendzior: Based in St. Louis on the Mississippi River, Sarah Kendzior is an academic expert on authoritarian states who has turned her skills to writing about the impact of authoritarianism on the people who live in the American heartland. This book is a collection of her essays written from 2012 to 2014.
The Assassination of James Forrestal by David Martin: Martin documents his investigation into the assassination of Secretary Forrestal on May 22, 1949. Forrestal was killed shortly after his forced resignation in March and his “house arrest” at Bethesda Naval Hospital on the pretext that he was unstable—and immediately before the CIA Act was enacted in June 1949.
McCarthy, Monmouth, and the Deep State by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell: Get ready for a deep dive into one of the most misrepresented figures and effective smear jobs in post-World War II history.
A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf: A Room of One’s Own is an essay by Woolf based on two lectures she delivered in 1928 at Newnham College and Girton College, women’s constituent colleges at the University of Cambridge.
The New Rules of War: Victory in the Age of Durable Disorder by Sean McFate: Dr. McFate’s new book addresses one of the significant truths of America at war—we keep losing. We lost in Viet Nam. We lost in Afghanistan. We lost in Iraq. We are losing in Syria. And the more we lose, the more money we keep spending, and the more expensive equipment and technology we buy.
The Vice of Kings: How Socialism, Occultism, and the Sexual Revolution Engineered a Culture of Abuse by Jasun Horsley: Horsley begins with his own childhood among the British aristocracy. He explains the basis upon which he renounced his family and fortune. He branches out from the intimate into the scandal surrounding Jimmy Saville, the life and teachings of Aleister Crowley, and the accumulated evidence to suggest that pedophilia is far more prevalent than we commonly believe.
The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis: The Fifth Risk is Lewis’ effort to describe critical aspects of our civil infrastructure—using examples from the Departments of Commerce, Energy, and Agriculture—and the danger to our safety and economy of treating or destroying them in a cavalier fashion.
China Rx: The Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine by Rosemary Gibson and Janardan Prasad Singh: Where do your drugs really come from? And are they safe? Why are we engaged in a global power struggle with a country that is supplying our antibiotics? Before you fill another prescription, you should read this book.
Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases by Kent Heckenlively and Judy Mikovits, PhD: Plague tells the shocking story of a career government scientist who got dragged off in shackles and imprisoned after she tried to publish her discovery of a retrovirus linked to illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and autism—and posited retroviral contamination of vaccines and other profitable biological products.
Ship of Fools: How a Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution by Tucker Carlson: Although Carlson underestimates the intelligence of the people at the very top, he provides an informative and entertaining reminder that the culture wars have gotten too serious to ignore.
AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley and the New World Order by Kai-Fu Lee: Comparing China and the U.S., this thoughtful book looks at the application of deep learning AI in business, enterprise, and the economy, emphasizing how quickly implementation of AI technology is moving.
Microcosm and Medium: The Cosmic Implications and Agenda of Mind Control Technologies by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell: In a departure from most books on mind control, which focus on techniques and technologies, Dr. Farrell argues that mind control of any sort has cosmological implications.
The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture by David Mamet: Successful playwright and author David Mamet offers a brilliant and often funny defense of Western culture and values—although he does not appear to understand the role that government subsidy and corruption play in shaping our economic and financial picture.
Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup by John Carreyrou: A breathtaking journalistic accomplishment, Bad Blood traces the rise and fall of Theranos and its founder Elizabeth Holmes. However, it leaves unanswered the deeper question of who really wanted access to the blood records of millions of Americans.
The Papacy by Abbé Guettée: The Papacy helps explain how the Church of Rome’s corrupt impulse for power and centralization divided Christianity in two, with profound implications that continue to this day.
Under an Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown by Elana Freeland: Powerful secret technology is being used to reengineer everything—from war to our DNA. This is an essential read to understand the real governance structure, where our tax dollars are really going, and why climate change is a cover story.
The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting by Jimmy Moore and Dr. Jason Fung: This surprisingly hard-to-put-down book offers hard science combined with practical, well-presented advice.
The Essential Saker II: Civilizational Choices and Geopolitics: The Russian Challenge to the Hegemony of the AngloZionist Empire by the Saker: This second collection of the Saker’s writings is an outstanding way of understanding the transformation to a multipolar world.
The Crypto-Terrestrials by Mac Tonnies: Tonnies’ cryptoterrestrial hypothesis proposes that extraterrestrial beings are actually mysterious and secretive races of earthly origin. These races have existed upon Earth for at least as long as humanity, and present themselves as extraterrestrials or occult beings.
Glow Kids: How Screen Addiction Is Hijacking Our Kids—and How to Break the Trance by Nicholas Kardaras: Glow Kids analyzes video game and technology addiction and its potential psychological impact.
Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy by Cathy O’Neil: O’Neil examines the impact of artificial intelligence on decision-making.
Follow the Money: A Citizen’s Guide to Local Government by Lyndee Kemmet: This is an excellent guide that identifies steps you can take to understand local government, municipal budgets, and government resources in your community—and ways to get involved.
Hess and the Penguins: The Holocaust, Antarctica and the Strange Case of Rudolf Hess by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell: Dr. Farrell looks at the story of Rudolf Hess and its inconsistencies.
Adults in the Room: My Struggle with Europe’s Deep Establishment by Yanis Varoufakis: Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis documents his efforts and struggles in seeking a win-win scenario in the EU’s Greek austerity measures.
The Attention Merchants: The Epic Scramble to Get Inside Our Heads by Tim Wu: An analysis of the history of media and news and techniques used to capture people’s attention.
Bailout: How Washington Abandoned Main Street While Rescuing Wall Street by Neil Barofsky: This is a look into the bank bailouts by the Special Inspector General for TARP.
The Fourth Turning – An American Prophecy: What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America’s Next Rendezvous with Destiny by William Strauss and Neil Howe: Strauss and Howe look at generational cycles that span 80- to 100-year periods. These cycles tend to follow predictable patterns that could potentially be applied to future generations.
The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe by Lynne McTaggart: McTaggart explores the work of various physicists, biochemists, and other scientists who have stumbled across or purposefully searched for evidence in their respective fields that there is a force, that she calls the Field, which connects all beings and matter at a fundamental level.
Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked by Adam Alter: Alter is an associate professor at New York University. Irresistible is a light review of what Alter calls “behavioral addiction.”
Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes: Throughout the U.S. presidential campaign of 2016, reporters Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes spoke with numerous members of the Clinton campaign on the understanding that the conversations were off-the-record until after the campaign. Now, they have published a tell-all tale.
Titanic: A Perfect Crime by Patrea Patrick: This is a novel that describes one of the theories of how the Titanic sank.
Gotcha Capitalism: How Hidden Fees Rip You Off Every Day—and What You Can Do About It by Bob Sullivan: Gotcha Capitalism, according to Sullivan, represents the latest evolution in capitalist business tactics designed to extract the most profits possible in the form of “sneaky fees.”
The Reporter Who Knew Too Much: The Mysterious Death of What’s My Line TV Star and Media Icon Dorothy Kilgallen by Mark Shaw: In 2017, the New York Post reported that the Manhattan District Attorney’s office had opened an investigation into the death of Dorothy Kilgallen, who died 51 years ago while investigating the death of President John F. Kennedy.
Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer: In U.S. politics, “dark money” is money given to social welfare and trade association not-for-profit groups and funneled to think tanks with a goal of influencing elections and government policies. Spending by organizations that do not disclose their donors has increased significantly and is having a powerful impact on American politics.
Tracking Mr. Global: Lifting the Veil on the Looting of the World by Thomas Hupp: Hupp writes about the topics and sources that would best inform the seeker of truth about governance.
Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products by Nir Eyal: This book examines the attributes of modern technological products and services that make them so compelling that users form a habitual relationship with them and use them over and over.
Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film by Jay Dyer: Dyer has published a significant new review of the relationship between Hollywood, geopolitics, the CIA, and the covert world told through the prism of twenty movie reviews that take you deeper than most readers are used to going.
Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation by Patrick Wood: Wood documents the Orwellian combination of invasive digital technology and covert operations and finance to build a new form of centralized governance to succeed where communism failed.