

2022 – Scenarios


  • Risk Strategy vs Investment Strategy
  • Risk Management

Living Capital: You are the Asset

This and That:

  • Insurance Policies
  • Experts
  • Purchase
  • Revenues/Income
  • Savings/Estate Planning

What I Do

Summary of Asset Classes

Closing Thoughts


A Clear Mind & A Good Map

Spiritual Warfare – Embrace Integrity, Stay Out of Fear

Do a Time Budget & Protect Your Time

Find & Build Your Family

Find a Good Jurisdiction & Learn Your Financial Ecosystem

Find a Good Local Bank

Whose Your Farmer?

Create a Resilient Home Base

Beware Technology

Stay Healthy

Learn about Precious Metals

Plan Ahead

Explore Community Currencies

Explore Community Equity Investment – Angel Networks, Venture, Crowdfundng & Small Business Cooperatives

Interested in Equity Markets

Play to Win at Economic Warfare

What About Crypto?